Friday, October 28, 2016


The existence of Philippine Presidential Decree Nos. 260 and 374 amending Republic Act No. 4846, the country's Cultural Properties Act brought classification of historic sites and structures categorized one of Tubod Local Monument. It is an objects, natural features or areas of special historic interest that sets aside by Tubod local government as public property. Historically, the site where Mr. Mendez statue installed on 1989 identified by previous Tubod Leaders prestigiously recognized by Late Municipal Mayor Alfredo Espina Macula spearheaded the motion of Former SB Member Sergio Acero Labadan living witness for Mendez historical statue bring pride of this town. 

Hence, the call for next generation protecting Tubod historic statue and monument is great. It incorporates in Tubod Cultural Treasure and Heritage. A thing with unique sites or objects found locally possessing outstanding cultural, artistic and/or scientific value that is highly significant and important to Tubod. We think so that one of the most valued monuments ever existed in Tubod is of MENDEZ being the sole donor of Tubod Municipal Lot. In supplication with this manuscript, Mendez full-bodied statue signify value and must be preserve. 

Mendez Monument is great landmark of Tubod. It is historic Local hero for his exemplary deed and contributions to the building of our town of Tubod. Great Mendez memorial gives inspiration for youn ones. He sacrificed his personal real property for establishing Tubod now materializes. Therefore, Mendez memorial monument must be treated sacred or hallowed objects and accorded with the same full reverence as we have for the Philippine Flag. Philippine Law shall not allow any form of desecration against monuments, such as squatting, graffiti and advertising commercialism.

 Moreover, the Constitution of the Philippines, Article IV on Arts and Culture, Section 16 states: All the country's artistic and historic wealth constitutes the cultural treasure of the nation and shall be under the protection of the State, which may regulate its disposition. However, Mr. Mendez memorial monument has its supporting SB Resolution series on 1989 makes up legitimate.

 Finally, the Philippine law says no monument/memorial to living persons shall be allowed. The statues of living persons may be produced and funded by private entities in the form of award for excellence and great achievements, or for hall of fame type recognition. However, such statues are not allowed to be erected or installed outdoors, which could be mistaken for a memorial. 

Script written by Mr. Ricardo "Ricky" Mendez Daposala, MPA

1 comment:

  1. He is one of a kind Tuboranon people worth remembering for.
